Scary Good Money Ideas
Do your financial facts frighten you? If you’ve been dying to know how to manage money better and get out of debt, here are some of the best tricks ever!
Blowing the dust off your budget is a good place to start. If you’ve cleverly disguised it as a spending plan, make sure it’s not a ghost from the past. As our lives and money needs change, our budget is the glue that holds the delicate web of expenses together.
Keep Your Money Management System Simple – Don’t turn your money management system into a monstrous task. Keep it simple. Use a spreadsheet, download an app, use a software program, or stick with pencil and paper.
Use Bank Accounts to Keep Savings Organized – Keep cobwebs at bay in your savings account by actively using different bank accounts to save for different goals. Setting savings aside so that you can pay for unexpected or periodic expenses with cash rather than credit will keep your budget alive. By using separate bank accounts it’s easy to see where you’re at with reaching your financial goals, or if you need to make some changes.
A Realistic Budget Has Some Flesh on its Bones – For many people, when they first create a budget, it’s just a skeleton of what it should actually be. They need to work with it, track their spending and add in all of the expenses that fully flesh it out. Then, just like carving a pumpkin, plan what you want your finances to look like. Set short and long term goals and then determine what you need to do to achieve them.
After all, a bone-chilling budget can get you through a month, but it won’t have enough life to get you through a true financial fright!