Your credit history and credit scores are very important if you want to minimize your interest rates and borrowing costs. Here are some quick fixes that will improve your credit score:
Purchase an investment property
Do not carry balances on credit cards more than 65% of the credit card limit on an ongoing basis. High regular balance to limit ratio deem you a credit seeker and your score suffers because of this.
Don’t miss your payments. Late payments are recorded every time you surpass the grace period. Many credit card companies have Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) directly from your bank account for the minimum payment. Take advantage of these tools if your schedule is too busy.
Mobility Bills. Mobile companies like Bell are now reporting any disputes or late payments on credit bureaus. Although these mobile contracts are not necessarily credit cards, the repayment of these facilities now impacts credit repayment tools like the credit bureau. It is extremely important to not take a dispute lightly because they can harm your credit and have long-term implications.